I've been on LinkedIn for 20 years! That's 20 years worth of being wished "Happy Birthday!" by people I don't know.

Conservative critics of Obama's long-overdue effort to shutter Gitmo have a point. American supermax prisons aren't equipped to handle these inmates. For one thing, they lack the glass and plastic prison cells required to house....No, wait, wait. That was Magneto, a powerful mutant with super powers. Nevermind.

You never forget your first time. Last night, I was asked to present my completed Covid-19 vaccine card in order to enter a restaurant sans mask. I had the card on me (plus a digital version), and once it was checked against my driver's license, I was able to walk to our table like in the Before Times. The whole process took less than a minute. Honestly, the hostess could have saved a bit of time by scanning the nanochips the government injected into my bloodstream when I got my second vaccine shot, but whatever.

Hoping we don't have to do this routine again in 6 months, and then annually after that. Or, How a Mismanaged Pandemic Became Endemic.

Funny, right?
Looking for topics deserving of a
humorous spin. Send me a suggestion. 